The Happiness Project

The last few weeks have been rather stressful, and it felt great to get all that positive feedback on my last post so, inspired by the Delivering Happiess Movement, I’m going to start my own little Happiness Project.

It’s nothing much, just a small daily effort to notice at least one nice moment. Noticing those times has helped me keep a positive attidude the last few weeks, and I’d like to hear more about all of yours too, so I’m going to try to post a little blurb at the end of my blog post every day remembering at least one good thing from that day and invite you to share yours with me too =]

I’ve noticed that, since I started doing, I’ve become much more conscious of all the good things in my life. At first, I only noticed one thing each day, but now I notice several! I hope you’ll do this with me and that it’ll bring you more happiness too =]

So, for yesterday’s moment: while I was handing out badges for Startups for business (which went well–I’ll post something about it later), there were some lulls since most people arrived by the time the event was under way, so I got to hang out downstairs by myself for a few hours. During that time, a Chinese couple wandered in looking for Printemps, a fancy French department store. They were lost so I took a look at their map, showed off my complete lack of directions, and went outside to find someone who could help them. It turned out someone was going that way and offered to walk them there =D Now that was a great use of my time ❤

The Printemps store they were looking for

What about you? What made you happy today? What nice moment did you have?